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Old Work Collection
Character Bust Tutorial

Character Bust Tutorial

Vigil Art Jam

Vigil Art Jam

3D Model Base To Painting

3D Model Base To Painting

Old Gate Project

Old Gate Project

Basic Shotgun

Basic Shotgun

War Hammer

War Hammer

Foliage Tutorial

Foliage Tutorial

Tiling Skull Texture

Tiling Skull Texture

Painting Grind

Painting Grind

We Were Traveling To France, So...

We Were Traveling To France, So...

Sculpting Grind

Sculpting Grind

Sculpting Grind

Sculpting Grind

Old Work Collection

This is a collection of a bunch of old work I stumbled across on my hard drive. I'm posting this for fun, basically. And to show that we all start somewhere.

It's a mix of sculpts, models, drawings, etc. Some are freestyle, some are the results of tutorials. It's a jumble of throwback fun, basically!

As much as I want to present my early work, this gallery is curated to exclude the REALLY bad stuff. :)

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